Knights of Fellwood and Other New Stuff

Created: 05/05/16 11:14 Edited: 05/05/16 11:19

    Hello, all. If you haven't noticed already I have been working a lot on the architecture of the site the past few days. The pages now no longer rely on Javascript to run, but the more interesting thing for you readers is that there are improvements to the navigation in the header. You can now go to the first page, a list of every page, or the most recent update for each story.
    Speaking of stories, there are now two on DEYFH. I have started a more humorous story in the form of Knights of Fellwood. The best part about this new story is that it will be driven by user suggestions. After every update there will be a submission box, powered by Google Forms, that will either have a few specific questions on it or just a place for you to enter a command for either the characters or the author, that's me, to follow. Check out the first panel now! Just hover over stories on the navigation bar and click on Knights of Fellwood!
    Thanks for reading,