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Cole: Hey Liam.
Liam: Hello Cole, and you are?
Calvin: Calvin. Cole's partner for this case.
Liam: I don't feel like I've seen you before.
Cole: He is a private detective.
Liam: Oh, nice to meet you Calvin.
Calvin: Mm.
Liam: So what can I do for you two?
Cole: We came to see if you had finished your report for Victoria?
Liam: Oh, yes. Such a shame that we lost her. She was a good one.
Cole: I can't say I knew her well enough to mourn but it is a shame.
Liam: Well here is your report.
Cole: Thank you.
Liam: Real nice meeting you Calvin. Do Victoria justice, alright?
Calvin: Yeah.
Cole: Later Liam.

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